How To Identify Natural Cats Eye Gemstones? Cats eye gemstone is an excellent looking gemstone due to its chatoyancy effect. The stone appears quite identical…
View More How To Identify Natural Cats Eye Gemstones?Category: Gemstone
Cat’s eye gemstone is considered to be rare and exclusive. It is basically refined into a cabochon that exhibits a narrow band of intense beam running across the breadth of the stone.
What Is The Value Of Cats Eye Gemstones
Cat’s eye stone The Chrysoberyl gemstone is called a cat’s eye because it displays a narrow band of light passing through the width of…
View More What Is The Value Of Cats Eye GemstonesIntroduction To Chatoyant Gemstone – Cat’s Eye Phenomenon
In a chatoyant gemstone, the band of light will move back and forth beneath the surface of the gem as it is turned into a…
View More Introduction To Chatoyant Gemstone – Cat’s Eye PhenomenonRituals for wearing Cats eye (Lehsunia) gemstone
Rituals-of-cats-eye-gemstone The Cat’s Eye gemstone, also known as Lehsunia or Vaidurya, is a mesmerizing gem revered in various cultures for its mystical properties and striking…
View More Rituals for wearing Cats eye (Lehsunia) gemstoneSubstitute Of Cat’s Eye Gemstone (Lehsunia Stone)
Cat’s Eye, known as Lehsunia in Vedic astrology, is a gemstone that has fascinated gem enthusiasts and believers in astrological influences for centuries. Its unique…
View More Substitute Of Cat’s Eye Gemstone (Lehsunia Stone)